XiaoMi 12s Ultra material cost price

Mass flow mobile news reported on July 17 that Xiaomi’s sales of high-end models increased in April, but it still needs new high-end models to replace Xiaomi 12 series and launch a new Xiaomi 12s series. After the release of Xiaomi 12s series, Xiaomi’s flagship models have further expanded, which can consolidate its position in the high-end model market in the second half of 2022.

小米12S Ultra成本

Among them, Xiaomi 12s ultra is the iterative version of Xiaomi 11 Ultra. The BOM of counterpoint research analyzed the material cost price of Xiaomi 12s ultra, including Xiaolong 8+ cost of $128, screen cost of $89, camera cost of $79, memory cost of $58, and cellular RF system cost of $24, totaling $516 (about 3500 yuan).

文章作者: 6z | Intz  
